Please Welcome Will!
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Please welcome the MBP’s newest volunteer, Will! He is going to be working with the reforestation team in Kianjavato. We are happy to have him on board 🙂


Intro Bio:


Hello team MBP! Will Lister here giving a late introductory blog, in September I shall be joining the reforestation team. Originally from Bristol in the UK I am part way through my Bsc Hons in Wildlife Conservation at Liverpool JMU University.  Prior to that I was/am a builder for 3 years working for two small sustainably driven building firms, the interests I have in sustainably building and community structure is something I still hope to educate myself more on.

I have traveled a good chunk of South America and stopped in Bolivia to work with a group who rescue animal from the black market trade. This was an experience which really solidified the idea that I wanted to live my life surrounded by nature and animals whilst being subject to the effects of good old Mother Nature. The reward gained from giving what I could to improve the animals lives or lessen the lifelong committed locals workload was unparalleled, even if it was just by putting a smile on their face from being an over enthusiastic gringo. Ecology has really caught my attention and is something I know we cannot know enough about quick enough so the opportunity to work with an organisation as established and accomplished as MBP is truly incredible. I look forward to learning as much as possible about the people culture and ecology of Madagascar and will do my best to be of all the help I can. I look forward to meeting you all and hearing your stories.Â