Happy Arbor Day from Madagascar!

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The Tree Planting Celebration Begins… For the last two years, the MBP has teamed up with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant trees in Madagascar. This year we have a goal of planting over 10,000 trees in Madagascar to commemorate Arbor Day. This will be the first time that Arbor Day has ever been celebrated in Madagascar. We are involving the whole community and have also teamed up with Conservation Fusion to include the children! … Read More

MBP’s Tree Nurseries

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For MBP to reach its lofty goal of planting a million trees in the Kianjavato landscape, we’ve been ramping up our activities in a number of important ways. MBP and the Kianjavato community designated numerous sites for the tree satellite nurseries. MBP also hired local residents to assist with the project, such as participating the lemur monitoring program and also collect seed-ladened lemur fecal samples. Not only do these samples provide the source material for … Read More