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Introducing Lahatra!

Hi! I’m Lahatra from Antananarivo, Madagascar. I’m almost 21. Concerning my study, in December 2022, I got my B.A degree in English for Specific Purposes. I’m excited to be a volunteer at KAFS because I want to experience something new in my life. To get more specific, this opportunity which was given by Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership is like a life-changing for me, I will not only see myself as a volunteer but I will be also a student who learns more about her country. I would define this journey as a learning process to know more about Madagascar.

Throughout my childhood, I had a strong desire to connect with nature, to experience what’s it like being with the wild and the local people in any regions because I grew up in town and I am used to live the daily routine and workaholic here. So, let’s take a break of 12 weeks with MBP.

I have been a volunteer in a nonprofit organization called One Way for Change since 2021. We work in different scopes of intervention including environment and biodiversity. For this time, I was encouraged to grab this opportunity and on top of that, I am grateful for both of MBP and OwC (thanks a million).

Seeing eye to eye and cuddling with lemurs are such a breathtaking for me (I would consider it as an unprecedented opportunity in my life), exchanging with all communities in KAFS is considered as a moment to live the cross-cultural communication.

A few days prior to my departure, I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and let’s embrace this opportunity together .