One year with MBP…

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Blog by MBP Volunteer, Sam   It’s crazy to think that I arrived 1 year ago at the beginning of September to start my volunteership with MBP. I was a volunteer for the reforestation project and was just learning the ropes. I originally applied to help on the Simus team (Greater bamboo lemur), but was glad that I changed this decision to gain different skills through reforestation. Before I applied to MBP, I worked in … Read More

Environment Day!

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Blog by MBP Volunteer, Rachel Photos courtesy of Rachel We headed down to Ambalahosy, the nearest village to KAFS, to celebrate Environment Day. The local school hosted a dance competition and quiz and the whole village was out watching despite the rain. The message of the day was that the environment is part of our heritage and it is our responsibility to protect it.    

Sad News…

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Blog by MBP Volunteer, Danielle   On 8th June, the field team, led by Ed Louis emerged from the forest of Sangasanga with a young female fossa. The fossa had been successfully caught after weeks of preparation to enable a radio collar to be fitted. On closer inspection, the team found that the animal had a thin rope digging into the skin around her neck, which had caused an open and infected wound. It is … Read More

Life After Madagascar

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Blog by MBP Prolemur simus Team Alumni 2013, Victoria … noticeably lacking in lemurs. I mean seriously, I go on a bush walk and all I’m seeing is kangaroos, echidnas and snakes! To say that returning home from Madagascar was bittersweet is a colossal understatement. It was amazing to see my family and friends and to go about my day with such ease (no language barriers!), but as the days turned to months, and I … Read More

Working to Reach Reforestation Goals

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Blog by MBP Volunteer, Sam The reforestation project at the field site in Kianjavato has grown into its 5th year now with ever increasing goals to achieve. Last year we managed to double the number of trees planted from 2013 and now in 2015, we will more than double the numbers from 2014. Also, 2 weeks previous, we reached a personal goal of planting over 7,000 trees in a single week. This progression throughout the … Read More

Radio Collaring the Aye aye

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Blog by MBP Volunteer, Danielle Photos are all courtesy of Danielle On 7th and 8th June, I was lucky enough to observe the re-collaring of a couple of aye aye, which MBP are monitoring. The first, was “Volafotsy” an adult breeding female, with a dependent juvenile female, called “Sapphire”. The dart team located the female pair in their nest in Vatovavy and, as all the permits required for removing the sedated adult had been gained, … Read More

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