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The Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership would like to send out a “Thank You!” to all of our volunteers leaving KAFS over the next few weeks. As Dr. Frasier put it, “It has also been our pleasure to work with you these past few months. We hope that your time at KAFS will help shape your future career and that you keep in touch with the MBP as we always enjoy seeing where our volunteers end up next!”











Best of luck in all your future endeavors!


Notes from some Volunteers! <3

“Hello Ed and the rest of the  MBP team, Since this weekend if my final reporting weekend with MBP I  wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the opportunity to work with MBP at KAFS. It has been both eye-opening and very enjoyable experience. I’ve loved being in Madagascar and working with the MBP team. Hopefully, I have also been able to make a positive contribution as well.” 
-Sincerely, Hilary


“I am glad to be here to help with this part of the project and get exposed  to just how much work goes in to starting research like this. Man, its a lot of logistics! I am in my last weeks at KAFS and starting to feel very  nostalgic already. It has been a wonderful, inspiring and thought provoking experience that I will be influenced by for years to come. Thank you all for the opportunity!”


“As this is my last report,  I would also like to express my gratitude for my time working at KAFS with MBP. It  has truly been an amazing experience and I feel lucky and grateful for the  opportunity to come to Madagascar and do this work. I still have almost 3 weeks  but I’d like to say thanks to all of you for your work and for making it  possible.” 
– Regards, Thomas


“I want to thank you all again for the incredible opportunity to work in  Madagascar with such great people for the last five and a half months.” 

-Best regards, Eric



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