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The MBP’s Conservation Credit Reward (CCR) Program currently has over 900 participants (and growing) in Kianjavato enrolled! MBP Kianjavato Community Liaison, Fredo, distributed 26 Tough Stuff Solar Kits last month (April) CCR participants of Andalamahitsy, Ambolotara and Ambodifandramanana. Another 23 participants are on track to receive their CCR items in May!

The MBP’s ideas about incentivizing participants with conservation credits for event involvement have sparked other organizations to start similar programs. In January, the Madagascar Fauna & Flora Group (MFG)’s teams visited KAFS to learn about the MBP’s Reforestation and Conservation Credit Rewards Program, along with Conservation Fusion’s Education Program. This has begun to pay off for the MFG Betampona’s program. Recently, MFG met and discussed using the same kind of CCR system established by MBP with the locals of Betampona.




We love the model we built and hope it keeps on spreading to other field programs!

“Mampifandray ny tontolo!” or “It’s All Connected!”


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