Kicking Ashes with Reforestation

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In Madagascar, the ‘human/wildlife conflict’ is one that is oh-so-relevant and not something we can ignore. After a young orphan was caught burning newly planted forest in Kianjavato, the teams were faced with the aftermath and how to handle the situation.

Honoring Madagascar’s Women

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ON BEHALF OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY, WE’D LIKE TO SPOTLIGHT ON FARA!     Fara is the head Assistant at MBP’s Antaretra Nursery and she has been employed with the Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership for over a year and a half. As a Nursery Assistant Fara tends to all of the Nurseries daily needs. Fara’s responsibilities are important and without her daily upkeeping, it merely wouldn’t exist. Her role is essential to our reforestation program and plays a major … Read More


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Conservation Spotlight

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 July 19, 2017           Interview From the Field New Nursery Manager Shares His Inspiring Story Berthin and his two boys reside in the small village of Vintanona, the total population is about 200 people. He is a family-man and wants nothing but the best for his boys. He feels that it is very important for his boys to grow up with a proper education. Unfortunately, finding work and raising your family isn’t … Read More

Good times

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Donec quis tempus nunc. Nunc ornare fermentum ligula vel finibus. Sed ut maximus magna, vel mattis nisi. Aliquam vel eleifend purus, nec tempus mauris. Suspendisse a posuere neque. Fusce tincidunt dui et ullamcorper eleifend. Proin velit augue, egestas sed quam id, euismod facilisis leo. Praesent suscipit tellus diam, ut dignissim massa sagittis ut. Praesent pretium semper magna eget varius. Integer pulvinar egestas consectetur. Ut rhoncus pellentesque nunc at facilisis. Suspendisse tempor nunc eu pulvinar hendrerit. … Read More