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We are on track to planting 1,000,000 trees by the end of the year! Everyone in Kianjavato is pushing hard to reach our million tree milestone! Back in 2012, we set a goal to plant ONE MILLION trees in the forests of Kianjavato in five years. This being part of our reforestation program with the ultimate goal of connecting forest fragments and providing a corridor for animal movement. We are also working to restore the relationship between the Malagasy people and the natural environment through several community based conservation and development programs.  We are currently planting around 14,000 trees a week and have hit a record high with an incredible 55,000 trees planted in November!!?  We are so thankful to have so many dedicated and hardworking employees in Madagascar. Now let the countdown begin!! Will we be able to reach our goal before 2017!??? STAY TUNED

 #growingthefuture   #savingmadagascar    #everytreecounts    #OneMillionMada