It is great to be working together with Natural World Safaris in helping to protect and promote sustainable Eco-tourism in Kianjavato, Madagascar. The Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership and its employees at Kianjavato see tourism and the visitors as the future for the community, linking economic growth with the biodiversity that surrounds them. Protecting this biodiversity and showing it off to visitors from all over the world has become such an important incentive to the MBP… employees and the Kianjavato community to improve themselves. By learning through Conservation Fusion’s conservation education programs and or learning new language skills from the interns and volunteers working at the Kianjavato Ahmanson Field Station, the MBP field assistants and teams can communicate freely with anyone who happens to visit the Greater bamboo lemur, Black and white ruffed lemurs or Aye-aye that make up the stars of the forest. Best wishes, Ed Louis

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