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We are excited to be attending the International Primatological Society (IPS) and the American Society of Primatologists (ASP) conference this year! It will be held August 21st through the 28th at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo. This conference is especially notable this year because it will mark the 20th anniversary since the most recent joint IPS/ASP meeting. Three of our very own doctors are scheduled to give presentations so we hope to see you all there!


8/22/16 at 10:30 am 

Dr. Runhua Lei 
“Phylogenomics of Indriidae Reveals Insights into their Evolutionary History & Adaptation”

8/23/16 at 5:15 pm 

Dr. Cynthia Fraiser
“Influences on Greater Bamboo Lemur (prolemur simus) Space use in Kianjavato, Madagascar”


8/24/16 at 5:00 pm 

Dr. Edward Louis
“Ten-Year Perspective of a Reintroduction/Translocation Program for the Diademed Sifaka (propithecus diadema) in Analamazaotra Special Reserve, Madagascar”